Good bye 2012!! Beautiful Lights in Tokyo 皆様素敵な年越しを♡
This is one of the largest chandeliers in the world! You can enjoy the Baccarat Eternal Lights, an annual illumination festival at the Yebisu Garden Place. It will be running until January 14th, 2013.
With 250 lights, the Baccarat Eternal Lights display incorporates a Baccarat chandelier that is 5m tall and 3m wide.67 craftsman joined this project and it took 5380 hours to complete.
Baccarat Eternal Lights
4-20-3 Ebisu, Shibuya
Now through 14th January, 2013
Hours; 12pm-11pm
ライトアップ時間 12:00~23:00
According to the Chinese Zodiac, 2013 is the Year of the Snake, so Bulgari wrapped its entire building with an illuminated serpent in Ginza, Tokyo. The special white snake seems to descend on earth from the sky!! 2012 is almost done. The year of the snake is coming now! Thank you so much for your big support in 2012! Have a happy new year, everyone!!
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